Munaigas engineering of Ltd.
I direct you the information on the independent versatile company of Open Company Research-and-production firm «Munaigas engineering of Ltd.», dynamically developing and rendering in oil-and-gas branch a complex engineering services, such as development of the design - budget documentation, quality assurance of welded connections of pipelines, technical diagnostics of the equipment, test, adjustment, installation of an electric equipment and means of automatics, construction by a method "on a turn-key basis" technological complexes on preparation of oil, gas and on clearing oil of hydrogen sulphide and merkaptans, independent quality assurance of civil and erection works.
Distinctive feature of the company is: development of optimum technological decisions, a choice of the progressive equipment, application of innovative methods, rendering of a full complex of works: from designing before service of object.
For high quality achievement of services of Open Company RPF «Munaigas engineering of Ltd.» continuously to aspire to improve the personnel, material base, formed the highly professional command interested in perspective development of the company and has for today some own industrial bases in. Акtоbе and in for watch settlement Tengiz of region Atyrauskoj.
Development of the design - budget documentation is carried out in several directions:
- Arrangement of oil-and-gas deposits;
- Elements of an infrastructure of objects of an oil-and-gas complex (a transmission line, engineering networks and constructions, motorways, etc.);
- Installations of preparation of oil (various types);
- The main pipelines, the equipment and a construction oil pumping stations;
- Oil refining factories of low power.
Not destroying quality assurance of welded connections of the pipeline, diagnostics of the equipment and constructions is one of the major directions in industrial activity of the company and is carried out by the specialized laboratory equipped with the modern equipment.
The personnel of laboratory - experts with the supreme and special formation, the Republic Kazakhstan certificated in the corresponding centers and the Russian Federation, mastered some kinds of not destroying control.
Open Company RPF «Munaigas engineering of Ltd.» is one of the first in Kazakhstan, mastered a radiographic quality monitoring with application of radioactive isotopes.
Now the level of equipment of laboratory the modern equipment and presence of highly skilled experts allows to carry out not destroying quality assurance of welded connections of pipelines at construction of several large objects, switching quality assurance of welded works at installation of vertical steel tanks in volume up to 50000 m3, works on quality assurance of the chisel equipment and tools, on technical diagnostics of the working process equipment (vessels, devices, pipelines, etc.).
The electrotechnical laboratory of the company offers a spectrum of services:
- Test of an electric equipment,
- It repair - works on adjustment of an electric equipment;
- Starting-up and adjustment works of systems of automation and relay protection of automatics;
- Installation and maintenance service of system of the security - fire signal system.
During existence of the company by service of installation and commissioning of the process equipment, independent quality assurance of civil and erection works 8 objects by a method "on a turn-key basis" are constructed and entered into operation more than 10 objects of oil-and-gas branch of Kazakhstan, from them, combining thus on time of various design stages and constructions.
Special direction of activity of firm is development of new technologies on which results security documents are given:
- Installation for clearing a hydrocarbonic mix of hydrogen sulphide and merkaptans (the patent for useful model);
- A way of clearing of crude oil and gas-condensate from hydrogen sulphide and low-molecular merkaptans (the preliminary patent for the invention).
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