Branch of Autonomous Cluster Fund “Park of Innovative Technologies” - ACF PIT


The branch of the Autonomous Cluster Fund “Park of Innovative Technologies” in Almaty is an operator for the implementation of R&D for subsoil user enterprises within the framework of their obligations to deduct 1% of the Total Annual Income. ACF PIT is developing a new model of interaction between subsoil user enterprises and startups/innovative companies in the Kazakhstan market.

ACF PIT road show 4

Based on this model, subsoil users, within the framework of their contractual obligations, finance projects of the participants of PIT innovation cluster, including a set of measures to modernize production processes, which leads to an increase in innovative activity and the development of high-tech SMEs.

gruppovoe foto demo day tech garden road show

Advantages of working with ACF PIT
- Reduction of the execution period to 1 month compared to 3-6 months with independent R&D financing
- Elimination of bureaucratic hurdles in the preparation of documents
- Expanding of the choice of projects and contractors
- Transparency in the execution of projects and the expenditure of funds
- Monitoring of the execution of projects and strict compliance with all conditions of the contract

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