TCO provided the necessary assistance

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Everyone knows that Kulsary city was flooded, and the people were in a difficult situation. At that moment, the residents extended a helping hand to each other as best they could. In addition, Tengizchevroil company, which operates in the area, provided great support. We decided to remind once again about the assistance they provided. Yes, the first company that extended a helping hand to residents in difficult situations was Tengizchevroil. In April, TCO and its contractors provided about 100 units of special equipment, 20 buses, food products and petroleum, oil and lubricants for the needs of the district. Then about 8,000 residents of Kulsary city and Turgyzba village were evacuated to the Tengiz field. Most of them are mothers with children and the elderly people. There were pregnant women among them. All residents were provided with sleeping places, hot meals, and necessary medical care. The population underwent daily medical supervision, and a special specialist was called to pregnant women.

- It wasn’t easy for everyone. As soon as the water came, we packed up and evacuated to Tengiz at night. There were good living conditions there, we felt at home. Even the food was varied, we were well served, Makpal Shakharbayeva, a resident of the district, says.

Special attention was also paid to children. Various games were organized for them and even a cinema was opened. The cinema showed cartoons that are broadcast in the largest cinemas in the country. In order to ensure a comfortable life and continue distance education, contracting companies that own shift camps in Tengiz provided evacuated residents with high-speed Internet. It was an important and responsible step, allowing children to educate in such difficult times without interruption. Thus, children in Tengiz were able to get online education. The large family of Kyrmyzy Zhumagali was evacuated on April 7 and lived at the Tengiz field. Three of her five children have received online education.
- All conditions were created for my children, and they were even provided with office incidentals. The tables were also equipped for the convenience of children. “I think it was an important step that allowed the children to continue educating despite the difficult situation”, the mother of many children says.

In addition to TCO and contractors, volunteers also helped residents. The company’s employees collected humanitarian aid and arrived by plane in Tengiz and Kulsary and provided residents with necessary things. According to the TCO press service, in four days, TCO employees and contractors collected more than 4.5 tons of humanitarian aid. The volunteers who accepted the help were amazed by the generosity of the company’s employees: one of them brought a basket with imported products for mothers with many children, and the other collected hygiene supplies for the whole family. The first to come to the aid of the Kulsar residents is the contractor of TCO – Asrag Kashagan LLP. In addition to technical support and humanitarian aid, the company’s management decided to accommodate more than 700 people in their dormitories. Thus, the contractor’s camp became home to 700 residents.

- We work in the Zhylyoy district and are happy to help our fellow countrymen in such difficult days. “The evacuated residents are provided with food and medical care”, Saltanat Suleimenova, Production Manager at Asrag Kashagan LLP, says.

Women evacuated from Kulsary also helped Tengiz employees - some helped the cooks, while others helped the technical personnel. They extended a helping hand, realizing that in such difficult moments it is important to support each other.

- Yes, we were well served, and we felt like important guests. But we didn’t want to sit idle from morning to evening and decided to help the personnel. There is nothing wrong with this, on the contrary, “It is better to do everything together and solve”, one of the women evacuated from Kulsary says.
Residents lived in Tengiz until July 1 and returned home. But they said that they remembered Tengiz only with kind memories. Earlier, the official representative of Tengizchevroil said that 2 billion KZT will be allocated to assist the residents of Kulsary. TCO, together with contracting companies, transported special equipment, food products and petroleum, oil and lubricants from Tengiz to Kulsary to assist in the construction of dams and water drainage. The company created conditions without significantly harming the well-being of all TCO employees who had to return home to support their families.

In addition, TCO, together with its business partners, have made efforts to save Atyrau city from water by building a dam along Saryozek canal (Kara ozek) near Atyrau city. The width of the dam, starting near the removable bridge and extending along the Kara Ozek riverbed, was 5 meters, and the height was 3 meters. 100 specialists and 70 pieces of equipment are involved in the construction works. The work was carried out around the clock with day and night duty. In Kulsary the situation stabilized, but the streets and houses were flooded. At that moment, several supersuckers arriving from Tengiz cleared the houses of water and helped the residents.
At the end of May, having felt the shortage of drinking water in the area, TCO organized the delivery of bottled water to residents of Kulsary city. In a short time, TCO delivered 24 thousand liters of water to Kulsary.

- On behalf of the residents, we express our great gratitude to TCO for satisfying our request and providing safe bottled clean water. Previously, the company also provided all kinds of assistance. Large families and elderly people were provided with water, Raisa Teleubayeva, a resident of the district, said.
Also, TCO tankers worked in Kulsary for more than two months and provided the necessary equipment with fuel. During this time, 560 thousand liters of petroleum, oil and lubricants were spent for the benefit of the population.
- For more than two months, we have been providing petroleum, oil and lubricants to equipment in Kulsary city around the clock. As a result, the equipment did not stand still for an hour, but continued to work and took part in the restoration of Kulsary. “We are glad to be together with the residents of the district during such a period”, Salamat Sarbalin and Sarsen Yerbolov, TCO employees, say.
This is a vivid example of the fact that the good deeds of Tengizchevroil always accompany the residents of the Zhylyoy district. As a result of this assistance, the district has recovered again and returned to daily peaceful life, Kairat Arman says

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