Anglo Belgian Corporation

Anglo Belgian Corporation (ABC)recently introduced the new DL36 series to the existing and proven DZ and DX models, now covering a range of engines from 1 to 7MW with plans to double this range within a couple of years. On site this engine type can be implemented to supply electrical power for oil and gas exploration and production or as a piping pumps and compressors prime mover for oil and gas transportation.Using crude oil taken and conditioned from wells or pipelines or well-head gas with continued possibility of switching between diesel/crude oil/well-head gas modes gives oil and gas customers wide fuel flexibility and allows to deliver the best customized technical solutions for various application.
Please be welcome at our booth nr. 10-192, (Pavilion 10) to know more about our solutions to all your power needs.
Other information can also be obtained from our website
or send your inquiries directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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