«Conti Chemical Company»

«Conti Chemical Company», established 1994 in Riga, Latvia, operates with two main areas:
- Development and promotion of VOC vapor recovery and smell knocking-down systems at industrial facilities and liquid terminals
- Complex project supplies of different pipeline equipment and tubing materials
Among our clients are such companies as «KazTransOil-BOT», «LUKoil», «Gazprom-Gazenergoset’», «Rosneft», «Surgutneftegaz» etc.
At the exhibition KIOGE-2012 we represent the equipment of our two European partners:

«FNC»: all types of flame arrestors, full range of tank valves and hatches
Within this exhibition we also hold a seminar «VOC vapor recovery and smell knocking-down at industrial facilities: technology review» (on October 2, 12:30-13:30). We will tell about various solutions of emission problem and also answer your questions.
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