Introduction products and services – The Sniffers nv


• Fugitive emissions management (LDAR): Measurement and controlling of leaking equipments (valves, flanges, pump seals, connections, compressor seals, open lines, pressure relief valves, ...);

Fugitive emissions management 416x622

• Flare Loss Management: Measurement and controlling of internal leaks caused by connected equipment on flare and/or venting system(s). This kind of emission monitoring will lead to a huge emission reduction and product saving;

Flare Loss Management

• Smart LDAR with IR Camera: Visualizing leaks by an infrared camera. The quick scanning with an infrared camera can improve safety and health by identifying large and very large VOC leakages.

Smart LDAR with IR Camera

• Emissions caused by loading and shipping: Filling and overloading of trucks, vessels, etc.;

• Storage tank emission management: the measuring of emissions on tanks can be done on fixed roof tanks, intern floating roof tanks and extern floating roof tanks. Emission profiles of the breathing emissions are achieved by continuous measuring during 8h, 12h, 24h, ...

Storage tank emission management

• Steam Loss Management: failing steam traps will be measured by ultrasonic leakdetection. Leaking steam traps are caused by mechanical wearing out, accumulation of dirt in orifice and construction errors.

Steam Loss

• Other Process Emissions: Solvents, water treatment, steam lines, etc.

• Corrosion thickness measurements :

Ultrasonic thickness measurements are performed to detect the decrease of the thickness of the wall of the pipelines and pressure vessels.

Corrosion thickness measurements

• Instrument Air & Nitrogen Loss Management: to detect and control leaks of instrument Air & Nitrogen inside units by ultrasonic measurements

Instrument Air Nitrogen  Instrument Air Nitrogen 2

• Emission Control Software:
SFEMP (Sniffers Fugitive Emission Management Program)
SNIFFLARE (Flare Loss Management Program)
SNIFTRAP (Steam Loss Management Program)


• Leak detection on underground pipelines
To detect all kind of leaks on pipelines in an early stage, The Sniffers provides various methods which all have a common goal: to increase your network safety and continuity.

Leak detection

• Pipeline inspections & maintenance services
Avoiding pipeline accidents through inspections is crucial. Simultaneously we execute maintenance tasks to secure the quality of your infrastructure.

Pipeline inspections 416x314

• Pipeline & cable localisation - digitalisation
The Sniffers has its own program to localize underground pipelines and cables and to determine their depth without having to dig. All gathered data can easily be imported in your Geographical Information System (GIS).

Pipeline cable

• Pipeline corrosion integrity management
- Coating surveys
Our specialized service line of non-destructive coating inspection surveys enables The Sniffers to optimise the protection of your pipeline systems, without having to dig.

Cathodic protection surveys & installations

To minimize corrosion The Sniffers offers a complete installation, control and optimization program for cathodic protection. An unbearable system to protect your underground iron structures.

Cathodic protection surveys installations Cathodic protection surveys installations 2 Cathodic protection surveys installations 3

• Third party interferences
Third party interference is the major cause of pipeline accidents. The Sniffers is your right hand for a complete third party registration and follow-up.

Third party interferences

• Pipeline Control Software:


Using thermographic imaging, the temperature of an object in the infrared segment of the electromagnetic spectrum is mapped out. Because all processes and changes in them occur at a certain temperature, nearly all processes can be detected and analysed using an IR camera.

The Sniffers is a renowned leading expert in leak detection with TÜV certified dogs. With over 20 years of experience working with highly trained dogs, we have extended our services through any success stories in other fields of detection, including electrical short circuits, illegal pipeline tapping and water leak detection.

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